Everyday, you can see examples of why Americans are so fat. You've seen fat people waiting for the closest parking space (yet they're the ones who NEED to walk). You've seen them on motorized scooters in the grocery store (hey! fatties should pay for those scooters--not all customers!).
Yesterday, I was at a school-sponsored event. The school sells tickets to a "food experience." Local restaurants volunteer their time and their food, and all proceeds go to the school. The idea is that you and the people you purchase tickets for, will go from booth to booth sampling each restaurant's food. Key word here is SAMPLE. There was one woman who was well over 225 pounds who did not know the meaning of sample. And this is what gives fatties a bad name. This woman had a tupperware container with her, and she was loading it up with cookies and brownies from one of the booths. She also had a large bag which had other containers. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. This woman stood at the booths in her tent dress taking more than her fair share while other people waited patiently in line behind her. Imagine the example she set for the kids. I don't know what happened with her--I went to report her. But do we really need to "report" or police others? Shouldn't this woman have already known that hogging the food was selfish and unethical?
heart day
5 years ago
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